Daniel is a resident of New Brunswick Canada with strong ties to the United States of America. After more than 30 years working as a full time professional artist Daniel has developed a unique place in art that has won him much acclaim as well as many patrons worldwide. Within his style one can see the inspiration of great artists of the past such as Frank Benson and Winslow Homer, of this he says "My artistic influences over time have ultimately lead me to develop my own eye for what I feel embodies a truly fine work of art" Daniel states that "The most compelling aspects of my creative efforts remain focused on being simple in my approach with good use of color and design, providing just the right amount of information in the work to give my subjects feelings of movement and a solid sense of place, I consider these elements very important to the success of my paintings.


Over the years Daniel has held a number of roles in the fine art world including that of conservator, curator, illustrator and writer. Today he spends a great deal of his time working from his private studios as well as in many remote locations. The use of his work in various media has caused wide recognition in international art circles where he is a regular contributor to many prominent outdoor publications including Grays Sporting Journal, The Atlantic Salmon Journal and The Upland Almanac.


Among his many notable accomplishments Daniel's work has been juried by experts in the fine art world internationally. He has participated in shows in both the U.S and Canada. Daniel is also a SEWE artist (The Southeastern Wildlife Exposition) which is made up of a select group of 70 invited wildlife and outdoor painters from seven different countries who gather annually in Charleston South Carolina to show for a crowd of over 50,000 people.


With his career now entering its forth decade Daniel has successfully developed many unique methods in the use of Vine Charcoal, his work in Soft Pastels has garnered him named association with Unison Color of Northumberland England the worlds foremost makers of handmade pastels, he is an associate artist with his own line of signature pastels. He has also consulted in development for other makers of fine artist materials across the United States and Canada.



"Art has been my entire life, I don't remember a time when I didnt have a brush or creative implement in hand, I truly believe a life in art is a calling, something internal God bestows, it requires a certain kind of strength and courage to pursue it, its not easy, but there is no life I would rather be living"


"Time on the river and in the wild places are a huge source of inspiration for my work. There are few other places where I can find the peace of mind and clarity of thought needed to keep things fresh and flowing for my eventual return to the studio".....watch these videos, see and understand whats behind this statement.....

Places of inspiration.....

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